Salman Khan is preparing to make a spectacular return to the big screen with Sikandar, which will be released around Eid 2025. The film, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by AR Murugadoss, is now in production and being shot in Hyderabad.
The Eid song has a Qawali atmosphere, whilst the Holi song is a celebration of love and colors. Both tunes are likely to be instant successes, since everyone on site loved dancing during the filming.
Salman feels that these songs are among Pritam's greatest. The whole Sikandar crew is convinced that the record will be remembered for many years to come.
Two major scenes were shot, with two more to be filmed. Aside from the enticing dance routines, Sikandar will have some spectacular action sequences. Two key action scenes have already been shot, with two more to follow.
Once Sikandar production is over, Salman Khan is anticipated to begin work on his next project with filmmaker Atlee, which is now in the scripting stage. We may predict that 2025 will be an action-packed year for the actor.